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Signs are any kind of visual graphics created to display information to a particular audience. This is typically manifested in the form of way finding information in places such as streets or on the inside and outside of buildings. Signs vary in form and size based on location and intent, from more expansive banners, billboards, and murals, to smaller street signs, sandwich boards and lawn signs. Newer signs may also use digital or electronic displays.

signs polesTraffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to road users. The earliest signs were simple wooden or stone milestones. Later, signs with directional arms were introduced.
The main purpose of signs is to communicate, to convey information such that the receiver may make cognitive decisions based on the information provided. In general, signs may be classified according to the following functions:
    Information: signs conveying information about services and facilities, such as maps, directories, or instructional signs.
    Direction: signs showing the location of services, facilities, functional spaces and key areas, such as sign posts or directional arrows.
    Identification: signs indicating services and facilities, such as room names and numbers, restroom signs, or floor designations.
    Safety and Regulatory: signs giving warning or safety instructions, such as warning signs, traffic signs, exit signs, or signs conveying rules and regulations.

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